If you are thinking of organising a trip then this is the first port of call. There have been many trips organised and lots of planning behind the trips. While you will clearly need to check on the information as some will be out of date, here is a good place to start from. All your efforts will be fully appreciated.

The trips below will show you lots of information in slightly different formats. If you need any further advice then the following have been involved in the organising of trips to some/many of the areas shown below and would be very willing to help with any further advice on the areas: Ralph Phipps/Jo Fletcher/Jon Lyons

The walks that are mentioned are mainly on Walks in Spain but if you need further help you should find the track and different routes on Wikiloc

If you are organising a trip, you will normally find that it will be oversubscribed. If you are willing to do so, you may think of running two consecutive periods. Experience has led us to suggest that you do not want to have more than 20 walkers for each period. You may also wish to stipulate that walkers will be prioritised over non-walkers as this is a walking holiday and not just an organised holiday. If you are organising a trip on behalf of the CBMW you may need to prioritise who goes on the trip. In general, the group feels that the leaders should take priority over casual walkers and also walkers who are regular walkers should be prioritised over the occasional walker. To help with this process it is useful to use a Google Form, an example of which is HERE. The form can be tailored by the CBMW Webmaster should you wish. From this form, you will be able to see a table of who has applied and what information they have provided.