If you have enjoyed coming on walks with the CBMW you may wish to get more involved by becoming a leader or a sweeper. The information in this section allows you to get a feel for the resources that are available to help you. If you have any questions then you should contact any of our current leaders or speak to a member of the secretariat.
This section also covers the resources that are of use for current leaders who wish to expand their repertoire.
- Leader’s Quick Reference Guide
- Becoming a leader – An outline of what’s required to become a leader and how to choose and submit walks for the programme.
- Walk descriptions – how we describe our walks in the Walks Database (this is used to generate the information for our walking programmes) and how you can help to ensure that all of our walks are written up and freely available on our WalksinSpain website.
- How to Submit a Walk for the Programme. Easy to complete forms for submitting walks from the database or new walks for the coming programme.
- Walks Database by leader name – The full list of currently lead walks and their leaders in order of leader name. .
- Walks without leaders. You will find a list of walks that are currently not being led and which have all the information required for you to lead the walk i.e. walk descriptions and GPS data file.
- Emergency Procedure – Emergency Procedures Advice for Leaders in the event of an incident
- Emergency Procedure Card that leaders are recommended to carry in their first aid kit or rucksack.
- Incident Reporting Form Leaders are asked to complete one of this to report/record any injury where first aid was administered whether considered to be minor or serious.
- How the programme is produced. You can find out who does what and by when in order that the new season walks programme is produced.