Hi Carol,

More info on my tumble.

One thing to remember is to be as careful coming off the mountain as when you’re on it!

I can’t praise the response of Angie & Ann as leaders enough. They were with me within what felt like seconds and making sure I stayed still and didn’t try to get up. They organised the situation promptly. The stayed calm and in control. No one panicked. Luckily Kari is a nurse and had an ice pack with her. Not sure how she’d managed to keep it so cold all day. She checked me over – all the usual things, how many fingers, following her finger, had I lost consciousness, checking my pulse, could I move my arms, legs, etc. and put the ice pack on my nose and eye to take the swelling down. Pauline got the blankets out and they wrapped me up and made sure I didn’t move and tried to make me a comfortable as possible without actually moving me too much. Not easy on stony ground and I had lots of lumps sticking in me in various places. Lizzy Spall did all the phoning as her Spanish is fluent and they were ably assisted by Paul & Sigbjorn who were sent off to find where the bomberos/ambulance could see them to help bring them back to where I was laying. I think Andy Marsh took the rest of the group down to the bar. The rescue services got there as quickly as possible and I honestly didn’t feel like it was ages at all. In fact, I can’t tell you how long it took as everyone was so good in keeping me warm and hydrated I lost complete track of time.

As you can expect the bomberos, Guardia Civil and the medicos were professional & efficient. The bomberos were well fit!

I must say as leaders and a group we are well prepared for such events. I honestly don’t think anyone could have done any more. We’re experienced and discuss this sort of thing in leaders meetings that we all know what to do, the committee has good procedures in place, information and aids to help leaders do an excellent job. We’ve come along way from the early days. The CBMWs is a well organised and professional group of walkers who would put many other like organisations to shame.

Once again I can only say great thanks to all of the above for their professionalism and help. Love them all.
